HUGIN søger en dygtig softwareudvikler. Læs stillingsopslaget her.Read more
HUGIN søger en dygtig softwareudvikler. Læs stillingsopslaget her.Read more
Today we are excited to share that we are releasing HUGIN 9.6. The main new features of HUGIN software in version 9.6 are related to improving the user experience on both Windows and Mac Operating Systems. Several new features have been added to both the HUGIN Graphical User Interface and HUGIN Decision Engine. All customers withRead more
HUGIN is proud to announce its participation in REDistXAI, a project under the Eurostars-EUREKA Programme. This 36-month project runs from May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2027. Germany and Denmark are the participating countries, with 3 partners from GridData, Aalborg University and HUGIN EXPERT A/S under coordinator Hans-Peter Schwefel. The total project budget is €Read more
Today we are excited to share that we are releasing HUGIN 9.5. The main new features of HUGIN software in version 9.5 are related to improving the user experience on both Windows and Mac Operating Systems. Several new features have been added to both the HUGIN Graphical User Interface and HUGIN Decision Engine. All customers withRead more
Hjørring Kommune og softwarevirksomheden HUGIN EXPERT A/S fra Aalborg har indgået en aftale om brug af HUGIN FiNDR. HUGIN FiNDR er en løsning til at identificere de modtagere af hjemmepleje i Hjørring Kommune, som er i højeste risiko for indlæggelse på hospitalet. Hjørring Kommune har med succes afprøvet løsningen i løbet af 2022 og harRead more
HUGIN is involved in the project HASKI: Developing on-line tools for adaptive, self-controlled learning process, supported by artificial intelligence methods – a cooperation between three Universities of Applied Sciences, TH Aschaffenburg, OTH Regensburg and Kempten and financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Next week, we will participate in a workshopRead more
Today we are excited to share that we are releasing HUGIN 9.3. The main new features of HUGIN 9.3 are the options to zoom monitor windows and detach a monitor window in the HUGIN Graphical User Interface. Furthermore, the algorithm to fine-tune the performance of a classifier has been extended to support the tree-augmented NaïveRead more
Hvis du skal forbedre virksomhedens bundlinje radikalt, skal du have fokus på de mange små beslutninger, som virksomhedens medarbejdere træffer dagligt. Vi mennesker lader oftest intuitionen råde, når vi træffer beslutninger og efterlader derved organisationen, kunder og leverandører med et stort uforløst potentiale. Ved at benytte matematiske modeller til at støtte beslutningsprocesserne, kan du forbedreRead more
Vi søger en dygtig medarbejder til hovedsageligt salg og marketing, men andre opgaver kan også være relevante afhængigt af dine interesser og kompetencer. HUGIN er en softwarevirksomhed, der udvikler software og løsninger baseret på kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring med salg i hele verden. Vi mangler en medarbejder til blandt andet at opbygge en digital markedsføringsplatformRead more
December 14, 2021: New Release – HUGIN 9.1 Today we are releasing a new version of the HUGIN software (v9.0). The main improvement of HUGIN software in version 9.1 is the option to toggle between nodes and monitors in Run Mode of the HUGIN Graphical User Interface. In addition, a new structure learning algorithm hasRead more