Change log for HUGIN 8.9
The updates from build 8900 are the following (to benefit from the updates it is necessary to reinstall HUGIN again):
Changes from Build 8902 to Build 8903:
Build date: 21 July 2020
- bugfix: Enabled the selection of text in the ctrl-right-click popup menu displaying the expression of a node with expressions.
- bugfix: Increased the height of the window displaying the expression of a node with expressions (on MacOS platforms).
Changes from Build 8901 to Build 8902:
Build date: 9 June 2020
- bugfix: Fixes a rendering issue that would draw a gray bar across the canvas area in the Network Panel..
- bugfix: Fixes a checksum error caused when using Continuous chance nodes in the interface of an OOBN.
Changes from Build 8900 to Build 8901:
Build date: 5 June 2020
- bugfix: Fixes some issues in GUI Help viewer on MacOS.