Hugin Expert has formed a strategic partnership with Poulin Holdings of Boston USA, to develop and market the Poulin-Hugin Automation Tool.
This is a tool designed to make pattern analysis and forecast prediction more powerful and simultaneously easier to use than the traditional Hugin tools. It is a tool with a variety of simple commands that allows the user or automation environment to build many sophisticated statistical models quickly.
A beta-version is now being tested, and we are happy to announce that the first version soon will be released. A demo version is available for download at: trial.
Hugin customers can benefit from this tool by upgrading their existing Hugin tool with the new automation functionalities. Please see our press release at: news
Hugin Expert and Poulin Holdings have created a new joint website where the new tool will be introduced. Please visit us at:
Poulin-Hugin is an alliance between Hugin Expert A/S and Poulin Holdings LLC. Poulin Holdings is involved in a variety of technical projects in artificial intelligence, e-commerce and aerospace. Poulin Holdings has offices in Boston and London.