HUGIN EXPERT A/S CEO, Anders L Madsen, has been appointed RTD Manager and Deputy Coordinator for the new EU FP7 project AMIDST. Anne Bock from Aalborg University will assist Anders as Administrative Coordinator.
AMIDST – short for Analysis of Massive Data Streams – is a collaborative research project involving 7 different partners from 4 European countries. The goal of AMIDST is to provide a framework for analyzing extremely large volumes of streaming data for creating and increasing the value of new and existing data resources, as well as to provide a means for more efficient decision making.
The 7-partner consortium behind AMIDST is a strong combination between academics and private enterprise – the finance, automotive and oil industries in particular. Besides creating synergy between research and industry, AMIDST is expected to produce findings that can be transferred to a wide range of other industrial domains for commercial exploitation, and lead to the development of a research support community that will persist after project end.
The 36-month AMIDST FP7-2013 research project started in January 2014 and will end December 2016. The project is carried out under the EUs Seventh Framework program and has a total budget of €3.922.756, of which € 2.762.000 will come from the European Union.
Collaborative research with academic and industrial partners is part of HUGIN’s business strategy, and HUGIN EXPERT frequently participates in RTD research projects funded in part by the EU.
For more info on current and past projects, go to For more information on AMIDST, go to