HUGIN EXPERT A/S and FDC – one of Scandinavia’s largest suppliers of IT solutions for the insurance and pension sector – have entered into an agreement to collaborate in the fight against insurance fraud by integrating HUGIN FDM into FDCs Software as Service IT platform.
The aim of the collaboration is to integrate the functionality of HUGIN software into FDCs solution suite which will enable insurance companies to implement an efficient solution for fraud detection. Insurance fraud is a significant challenge for all insurance companies. According to a recent survey by the Danish Insurance Association as much as 10-12% of all non-life insurance claims are fraud related. This calls for efficient methods for identifying potentially fraudulent claims.
By integrating HUGIN FDM into the common IT platform F2100, FDC provides its existing and potential customers with an efficient tool to reduce the level of fraud. The agreement means that FDC customers can now buy HUGIN FDM directly from FDC.
The first joint implementation will take place at a Norwegian insurance company starting in September.
Please read more about FDC and F2100 at: